Veteran's defenders of our FREEDOM PAGE
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This page is dedicated to the men and woman who have served to protect the freedoms, we enjoy today. Let us not forget the price they had to pay.

Dedicated to our soldiers

It is the soldier, not the reporter,
who has given us freedom of the press.
It is the soldier, not the poet,
who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the soldier, not the campus organizer,
who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.
It is the soldier, not the lawyer,
who has given us the right to a fair trial.

It is the soldier,
who salutes the flag,
who serves under the flag,
and whose coffin is draped by the flag,
who allows the protester to burn the flag.
American Freedom
Don't take it lightly!

  Vietnam- John Read "Sergeant Read "

Mr. John Read serviced in Vietnam, making helping secure some of the freedoms we have in the UNITED STATES, are shared. 

Sergeant Read is in the middle
  Pictures from Iraq

We are so GREATFUL to have men and woman willing to fight to spread the freedoms we have in the US into a country that has been lost for decades.

Million Dollar MEN

  Undercover Personal This is the ideal place to design your own custom page, filled with whatever you can imagine from products, pictures, fan clubs, links or just more information.

Can you see the person behind the gun!?