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Why I am a Republican

I am a single parent not by choice. I believe in the fundamental family values,respect for life "God gives Life and ONLY God can take it away. I do not believe in welfare when I am capable to make a living. I do not believe in the blame game,I taught my children : "Where there is the will, there is the way" the sky is the limit! and if there is some one to blame is the one they see in the glass.Society has made a Mould for the hispanics: a hispanic is expected to be poor,dropout,catholic and democrat depending on welfare. Well,it is not so: hispanics are hard working,some are Catholics, protestants,democrats,greenparty and Republicans. also many had attended universities like My beautiful daughter Anna attended SMU Dallas,Oxford England later received her Masters from George Wash. Univ. My son "Tony Aguilar" received his Masters from Texas& AM,and my other beautiful daugther received her Bachelors from Barry Univ. in Florida. They are working on their Doctors.
The Democrats had been brainwashing us for years that Democrats do for the poor and Republicans for the rich yet, many Democrats have been voting Democrat for years and they are still poor??
Just go down south Texas to the Colonias, Democratic Territory,it looks like Third World Country!
We must be educated voters if we want to make a difference. Let's study what the Political Parties stand for:
Democrat Party is:
*in favor of abortion
(waterdown word for
killing of a
defenseless baby)
even late term.
*For Same Sex Marriages
& Right to Adopt Children.
So much for the Outcry
for protecting them from
Potential Child Molesters!.
*Democrats are against the  Death Penalty .

*Republicans are against Abortion,*Against same Sex Marriages and the Right to adopt children.
*Republicans are for the death penalty but thanks be to Gov. Rick Perry and Att. Gen. John Cornyn, The State of Texas will pay for the DNA TEST for the inmates who wish to prove their Innocence.
"Green Party" Is: ok to kill the defenseless unborn
babies But is against the death penalty.
Here it is! your choice!
As for me and my house we will Vote straight Ticket
Republican!!so we can
keep God, the Faith of our Fathers,Honor, Freedom and Glory!

A reprint of Article
In Response to the many requests to reprint my Letter sent 4/7/2002 to Editorial for which is out of service.
Here it is:
On a scale of 1-10,I give President Bush a 10,for Excellence. He has brought decency to the White House and to The American People by making a U turn to family values and back to GOD the faith of our founding fathers. Now in this time of crisis he is responding wisely and with just anger for the assault on his People.
Considering he has been in office just a few months. He had to start from scratch when he found the White House vandalized,Innadequate National Defense and with hostile Democrats in office, and... in case it was not enough visitors the first place they want to see is the "Oval Office" so they can picture what Ex-president Clinton was doing with the intern. Ex-President Clinton left a Mentality Legacy: "if it feels good, do it!" no responsability and no accountability. The "Media" has been bias and prejudice against President Bush. They are sore loosers, they do not want to admit that the cubans in Florida told Ex-President Clinton and Janet Reno that they would take revenge at the voting polls for Elian Gonzales and they kept their promise by voting Thank God for President Bush!
Hermelinda Delgadillo A.

A sharing thought from my son "Tony Aguilar": There will only be one of me on this planet forever. You have one chance. One life. Some people collect stamps. Some collect rare China. I want to collect experiences. By Jack Wheeler 1986
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Proud to be REPUBLICAN!